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Managed Email Filtering Benefits PDF Print E-mail

Many businesses are realizing the benefits of our managed email filtering services. Some of these benefits are obvious, but others are not so immediately apparent. Here is our “ top ten” list of advantages of utilizing our email filtering services:

1. Managed Service

Because our services are a managed solution, there are no additional costs for software or hardware upgrades, Internet bandwidth, or labor for maintenance. Elimination of these expenses saves costs and eases budgeting by eliminating capital outlay and unexpected expenses that are sometimes incurred through forced upgrades of hardware- or software-based solutions.

We also provide the specialized expertise on mail routing, filtering, and blacklists, allowing your staff to focus on your infrastructure.

2. Improves Productivity

Our services improve your staff's productivity by eliminating typically 98% of unwanted email. Recent industry estimates indicate that as much as 70% of all email is unwanted, wasting your employees time manually filtering and deleting messages.

Because we offer a wide variety of configuration options, our filtering solution can be tailored to your needs rather than changing the way you do business.

3. Reduces Infrastructure Load

By filtering outside of your premises, you eliminate the need for your infrastructure to ever handle messages that are filtered out, saving Internet bandwidth and server load. This can help to prolong the useful life of your assets by deferring capacity issues.

4. Mitigates Liability

Removal of offensive content from your mail stream greatly reduces the chances of "hostile workplace" lawsuits from employees. Even though filtering can never be 100% perfect, the positive preventive action of utilizing a managed service demonstrates a good-faith effort to protect workers to the highest degree technology permits.

5. Increases Security

Because filtered email never enters your infrastructure, you reduce exposure to virus and other "malware". Since we act as your mail agent, your own equipment no longer needs to be registered or generally visible on the Internet, reducing or eliminating the risk of hacking and other malicious activities.

6. Avoids Commitment or Investment

Unlike purchased hardware or software solutions, our managed service has no commitments and no investment. The only costs incurred are month-to-month fees, with no depreciation, no capital outlay, and no maintenance contracts.

7. Completely Compatible

Our services are based on standard Internet protocols and will interoperate with any other Internet mail infrastructure. You avoid the risk of compatibility issues when replacing or upgrading other components of your infrastructure, unlike software-based solutions that are only supported with specific mail agents or operating systems.

8. Improves Service Reliability

We will store your incoming mail during periods of interruption of your local Internet service or server unavailability and re-deliver when your service is again available. This avoids unnecessary instances of mail returned to the sender due to local problems.

By delivering your outgoing mail for you, you avoid the problems of server blacklisting due to dynamic addresses on cable and DSL networks and abuse from other subscribers of your Internet service provider.

9. Aids Business Continuity

Because we offer both email filtering and hosting, interchangeably, our managed services can form a key part of your business continuity plans. In the event of a major problem with your local Infrastructure or facility, simply reconfigure your accounts to hosted email service and access your mail directly from our servers with only a web browser, from any location.

10. Highly Reliable Service

Our main data center is in the 75 Broad Street building in Manhattan, located in the heart of New York's financial district. Formerly the ITT building, this facility was built from the ground up as a telecommunications hub and connects through over 400 different Internet providers for the ultimate in reliability. This facility operated without interruption during the "great blackout" of August 2003 which interrupted commercial power for up to 28 hours to much of the Northeast.

We also maintain a backup facility in Southeastern Connecticut for contingency purposes, with live data replication and fast failover from the New York facility. The infrastructure in both locations is based on a redundant, load-balanced server architecture.

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